Monday, January 9, 2012

All Together Now!!

James Surowiecki is definitely a columnist focusing on finances. In all 3 of the columns I read, he described different current economic problems, and why they were so significant to the country as a whole. By doing this he definitely shows his credibility as a finincial expert. He also seems to develop more conservative and capitalist views. In his article entitled the "Year of the Yo-Yo," surowiecki offers advice to preserve the struggling capitalist society in America. The idea of a strong capitalist economy and the success of bigger investors is a more republican view generally, therefore Surowiecki seems to lean right a little.

Also, Surowiecki seems to offer a path towards solution in all of his columns. This shows his consistent goal to really bring the economic problems to light and to evoke positive change in America and other countries.  He notices that real problems are prevelant in society and is not afraid to point fingers and do whatever it takes to push for improvement as a observatory as well as a constructive columnist.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Year of the Yo-Yo

This column by James Surowiecki is an analysis of the not very promising coming year in the stock market and financial situation in America. Surowiecki starts by describing how bad the market is currently in America, with the high persentage of lass for investors and the volitile nature of the up and down stoock values. Surowiecki also offers somewhat of a solution to this problem. He suggests that investors put their money in index funds, but this is imporbable because the market is so risky. So, instead many investors are simply removing their money as a whole, and this hurts the market too. This applies the overall well-being of the country because this volitile market will negatively affect peoples' retirement funds and therefore hurt a capitalist society. Hopefully, the coming year's economy is not as bleak as Surowiecki predicts here in his article.